Corporate Internet Executive Research Study by Internet Strategy Forum

I’ll be a keynote speaker at the Internet Strategy Forum Summit in Portland in July 23rd, I attended this conference of corporate web decision makers two years ago –and have attended some local meetings here in the bay area.

The ISF has conducted a survey and has made data available about corporate web decision makers, this brief (I’ve read the full version, which is available for purchase) gives information on how web strategists are organized, their concerns, and even compensation. The highlights of this research will be presented at the Summit, along with other informative speeches and case studies.

A free four page summary of the brief is available below, or you can download on the site.

2009 ISF Corporate Internet Executive Research 4-Page Sample Brief

I will always promote and point to research that’s good, even if it’s not mine, thanks to Steve Gehlen (he’s on twitter) for making this possible, see you in July!

6 Replies to “Corporate Internet Executive Research Study by Internet Strategy Forum”

  1. A ridiculous number of steps required to “download” the 4-page sample brief report (registration form, verification e-mail, download link email). The full 70-page report is $199 (ISF member) $299 (non-member)- information that would have been useful in your description.


  2. Peter, I’ll pass that on to the ISF folks.

    I didn’t do the registration (as I had read it over email) so my apologize for not informing you of the hurdles.

  3. Peter, thank you for your feedback. We have now reduced the number of steps to download the research brief report.

    Even though double opt-in confirmation is typically a best practice for Email I see your point in this case, so the download link is now sent immediately after the “Submit” button is clicked on the request page.

    Again, thank you for the feedback and interest in the ISF’s Corporate Internet Executive Research Study.

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